County commissioners delayed action Tuesday on a plan to reduce septic tank pollution in eastern and southwest Polk County.
That is because state officials want the plan to include more specific information about how exactly Polk officials plan to bring central sewer treatment to areas served by septic tanks.
Polk’s proposed ordinance talks about reducing pollution–mostly involving nitrogen discharges–in these areas of Polk County that affect the Peace. Kissimmee and Alafia river basins through tougher standards for new development.
However, Polk’s plan does not directly address the idea of converting areas to central sewer service.
The state comments seek specific information on what sewer service is available now, what its treatment capacity is and what that capacity is likely to be 20 years from now
This comes at a time when Polk utility officials are proposing long-delayed updates-sewer rates had been reviewed since 2014–in water and sewer rates to pay for needed expansion of services in unincorporated Polk County.
County commissioners have tentatively scheduled a hearing on the updated septic conversion ordinance for Sept. 17.
State Wants More Info On Polk Septic Plan
Posted in Group Conservation Issues.