Wednesday’s meeting in Davenport on a proposed toll road to allegedly relieve future congestion on U.S.27 drew quite a crowd.
Any meeting when the public outnumbers the consultants and staff shows this is a hot-button issue.
Here are some takeaways
–The process is rigged in a way that until one of the alternative routes on the map is chosen there is no opportunity to push for the no-build alternative.
–That means that there will no information on the location and number of interchanges that would give us the full impact of the sprawl the road would create.
–The Transit-Supported Development Area designation along US 27 that Polk County planners used to push very dense development may turn out in the end to make transit attractive after the gridlock it helped to create occurs.
–No one could really answer the question of why lots of motorists would detour from one gridlocked section of highway to another gridlocked highway or to another section of the same gridlocked highway they fled and pay for the privilege.
–No one is sure the money will ever be available–the project has already been shelved once because of financial uncertainty–to pay for this multi-billion-dollar project and whether the money could better spent elsewhere in the turnpike universe.