Forget about the pickleball courts and Hyatt-sized “lodges” for a moment and consider just how low the public perception of Florida’s government has sunk when it comes to transparency and public policy. decisions involving our state parks.
Where is Sherlock Holmes when we need him?
The mystery surrounding the plot to commercialize some of Florida’s state parks remains unsolved in many ways.
No one will admit responsibility for advancing the idea for these “improvements.” even as the state spin machine was defending them.
Gov. Ron DeSantis declared the ideas were “half-baked” even though they were all set for public meetings. The process does not work that way.
DeSantis blamed all of the hoopla on a staff leak to a “left-wing group” but won’t name the group. How chicken-hearted, and. McCarthyite. He may go down on that account as the worst governor since Charley Johns.
And we still don’t have any idea about the other plans that do not involve building a golf course nor are the details very clear about a less-discussed but related plan to surplus state forest land for another golf course. that was approved by the same Cabinet members who criticized the state park golf course package.
More details will emerge eventually and it is unlikely to make things look any better for the folks in Tallahassee.
DeSantis & Co Dishonesty Stands Out In State Park Controversy
Posted in Group Conservation Issues.