Polk To Revise Septage & Sludge Regs

Later this year the Polk County Commission will consider a revised ordinance regulating the disposal of treated septic tank and sewer plant wastes.

The current ordinance dates to 1995 and has not been updated since.

The revision appears to be in response to complaints from rural residents about odor and esthetic problems in connection with current disposal practices and to update language to reflect changes in county government organization and inflation.

The proposed changes will increase the surety bond from $10,000 to $50,000 to cover the cost of any environmental damage or health effects improper disposal causes.

Additionally, the proposed ordinance would increase the setback between disposal areas and homes from 500 feet to 1,320 feet. The ordinance also includes setbacks from drinking water wells and irrigation wells.

Enforcement will be by county code enforcement officers or the Polk County Sheriff’s Office.



Posted in Group Conservation Issues.